The last few months have seen much happening in the world and in the company. We were asked to contribute to Redfin an article about changing the art in your home for the upcoming summer.
The article you can read here in the blog below. It gives some useful hints and is very uplifting in many ways . I am struck about the importance of the atmosphere in your home and how art and photography can stimulate feelings of new beginnings and optimism .
This is especially important I feel during times like this when things are so uncertain, and we are all searching for a sense of new beginnings.
So be always beginning in your life . Find creative ways to stimulate your life . Throw off the old shackles of what has been holding you down and back.
Do not let the current atmosphere dictate your feelings in your life.
Beautiful art and photography allow us to breathe new energy into our lives and into our homes.
LUIS FONSECA above represented by DeClare Fine Art
Be Always finding new ways to begin again and breathe new life into your home.
De Clare Fine Art is here to help all your art and photography needs if you see anything you like in our Artists list and their works feel free to DM us so we can address your art needs.
Have a great Summer in 2021…………..