Booth Museum Photography Guild, Atlanta , Georgia . How to Market your Fine Art Photography - Guest Speaker - Philip De Clare
February 9 2019.
Philip DeClare's extensive knowledge in brand building in the entertainment studios of Los Angeles and working on new show creations introduced him to some of the world's most influential art collectors. Being a world traveler, his love of fine art and photography as well as his wanting to elevate the art scene in LA became a focal point of discussions among his peers.
DeClare Fine Art was born from an idea, that LA needed more ART! This idea has since blossomed into a cross cultural phenomena. Philip is a highly sought after public speaker and books out months in advance. If you or your organization, loves art, wants to learn more about art, or just wants to be mesmerized by this prolific Irishman, contact us for his availability.
Internationally renowned tenor singer Fan Jingma creating a new genre “Chinese YAGE” with The Beverly Arts | The Los Angeles Post · APRIL 29, 2019 Click here to read entire article.
Los Angeles and Emerging Art Markets - Speaker /Interview: Philip De Clare: HTTV Zhou Zheng Art Channel (November 28th 2018)
Beverly Hills Chinese Art Celebration Event organized by Chinese Consulate for Arts - Pacific Holdings 8484 Wilshire Blvd , Beverly Hills - Guest Invited Speaker (Declareconsulting ) Philip De Clare - December 2 2018.
Booth Museum Photography Guild, Atlanta , Georgia . How to Market your Fine Art Photography - Guest Speaker - Philip de Clare - February 9 2019.
RWall Gallery Beverly Hills , California . Guest Speaker - Philip De Clare - Launch The Beverly Arts New Emerging Arts Platform- February 16th 2019.
Coming Artist Launch Diana Wahlborg Gallery Ekvall and Tornblom Guest Speaker Philip De Clare - Stockholm, Sweden. March 16th 2019.
Beverly Hills Chinese Art Celebration Event organized by Chinese Consulate for Arts - Pacific Holdings 8484 Wilshire Blvd , Beverly Hills - Guest Invited Speaker Philip De Clare
December 2 2018.